Monday, March 16, 2009

Station Door - Complete

Hey folks,

Just though I'd post a render from the Marmoset engine on the completed station door.

Sitting on 1024 diffuse/spec/normal/emissive.

Emissive is animated within the unreal engine.

Most of the textures for my unearthly challenge piece should come out fairly quick now, as our deadline is rapidly approaching.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cosmic Conductor Update

Hey guys,

Just finished what I'm considering my last high poly model for this project. From here on out it's all basic low polies , uv unwraps and textures.

This is the door that leads in to the asteroid, there are two in the scene, one at each end of the warehouse.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Workshop - OR Table Update

The first round of texturing is more or less complete. Aside from the leather straps and cloth table skirt, the base of the textures are in place. The diffuse is mostly complete aside from tuning; Normal and Spec maps require further refinement. Currently sitting on one 2k texture.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Workshop Update - OR Table

Here are both the high and low poly wire renders of the OR Table, for my Senior Project. Unwrap and textures are currently being worked on.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cosmic Conductor - More Work

Just another update.


Cosmic Conductor - Update

I've added some more elements to the scene. The overall shape of the inside volume should be fairly well defined now. More to come later.
